Community Guide to Managing Air Quality Data
The number of people, organizations, and communities undertaking air quality monitoring is increasing substantially with recent grant programs. Collecting data, managing it, and using it for action remains among the most challenging parts of air monitoring for communities. Working with the Environmental Protection Agency, the TD Enviro team developed a Data Management Guide: a thorough guide to help communities manage air quality data that they collect.
We sought to create an accessible, understandable, and comprehensive document that prepares organizations with little or no air monitoring experience to plan for and be able to manage air quality data. The guide provides high-level overviews of data management combined with sufficient detail to enable readers to understand the steps and tasks required in managing air quality data, and includes lists of things to ask data management system vendors. The Guide to Managing Air Quality Data includes sections on:
Background on what data management is
Four main steps to managing air quality data
Glossary of terms
List of resources for more information
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