Students Affecting Clean Air Policy

A multidisciplinary educational program focused on air pollution, citizen science, and civic action.

Read on to learn more about what AirActions is, what all is included in the curriculum, and why it matters!


AirActions curriculum sits at the intersection of air pollution, citizen science, and civic action for middle and high school students. AirActions educates students about air pollution, and guides them through designing a study to address a local air quality problem, collecting and analyzing data using new technology, and proposing a solution.

AirActions empowers students to learn, measure, and take action by finding solutions to improve local air quality.

Leanne West, Maria Carrillo High School Science Teacher

“My students were thrilled to see live data in their hands and loved the student-led explorations around campus. We learned a lot about sources of air pollutants and had rich, thoughtful discussions around the importance of this data. My AP Environmental Science students said that these labs were some of their all-time favorite activities of the year!”


The AirActions curriculum has three main parts: a lab book, a curriculum reader, and a teacher's guide. A number of the labs also revolve around handheld air sensor technology. It is flexibly designed for 6-12th grade classrooms.

Experimental Labs

The 11 interactive lab exercises are aimed at empowering students to learn about air and how to improve it. The labs range from understanding air as a fluid made up of atoms to guiding students in designing a study to address a local air quality problem to working on relevant air quality data science problems. Each lab builds on the anchoring phenomena of air quality through iterative modeling but can easily stand alone. The labs and curriculum reader are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Curriculum Reader

AirActions' curriculum booklet provides background information that can be used as an introduction to each lab topic and to help students be better prepared to design their own questions for investigation and research. The sections can be assigned as reading homework either before or after you perform the lab activities in class. The curriculum reader helps students answer questions like where does air pollution come from? And who controls or regulates air pollution?

Air Sensors and Mapping Tools

Air sensing and mapping tools let students be scientists, planning and making measurements, creating maps, and proposing solutions. AirActions helps students assess the big picture, make scientific models, and connect their learning directly to their environment. A number of the labs are focused on using air sensors in the classroom and many others can be modified to include the sensors.

Teacher's Guide

The final component, the teacher's guide gives helpful walkthroughs and answers to the analysis questions posed in each lab.

Why It Matters

Air sensing and mapping tools let students be scientists, planning and making measurements, creating maps, and proposing solutions. This program will help students assess the big picture, make scientific models, and connect their learning directly to their environment.


  • Engaging and innovative way for hands-on scientific learning

  • Enables students to explore the roles of scientists

  • Promotes critical thinking

  • Uses new air sensor and mapping technologies

  • Student-led and directed research with a consistent focus on environmental education

  • Engagement with local officials using credible information

“From health care to environmental stewardship, a countless number of personal and societal issues require citizens to make informed decisions based on their understanding of science and technology. Today’s modern workforce depends on individuals with scientific and technological skills.”        

– National Science Teachers Association